Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Lynch Meditations 15: Twin Peaks Episode 14 (1990)

Episode 14 . . .

"It is happening again."

I'll try not to spoil too much . . . but this episode contains a startling depiction of profound metaphysical defeat. 

Agent Coop's sitting in the Roadhouse, taking in a live music show when a giant of prophecy manifests upon the stage, displacing the band to some other space-time reality for a moment or two. The giant tells Coop,

"It is happening again."

And then there's the look on Coop's face . . . he's staring into the very abyss. For he realizes he has failed to save a life. Again. 

This is a mysterious, yet devastating scene, one that strikes me with more force now than whenever I first watched it back in the day. 

NEXT: 4/19/18: Twin Peaks Episode 29