Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Lynch Meditations 14: Twin Peaks Episode 9 (1990)

Oh, man is this a thankless episode. It really doesn't stand on its own as a piece of "cinema for television." It's even more transitional and incremental than Episode Eight. It is well done for what it is, full of terrific acting and clever dialogue, but unless you watch it in the context of the full series, you're likely to be lost.

Windom Earle is set into play . . .

The Horne Brothers try to figure out which piece of evidence to destroy . . .

Teleporting creamed corn . . .

Deputy Andy gets all fucked-up with the scotch tape . . .


Major Briggs's anomalous intergalactic messages . . .

Thirty year old teenagers in love . . . "Just You and I" . . .

And the most memorable scene: Cousin Maddie's terrifying vision of Bob who comes crawling over a couch after her. Every scene with Bob in Twin Peaks is way more frightening than I would expect anything on network television to be-how did they get away with this shit?

Yeah, I'm going to have to come back to this series and consider as a whole at some point.

NEXT: 4/17/18: Twin Peaks Episode 14 (1990)