Wednesday, July 20, 2022



self-destruct sequence: engaged

cue the music of desperate escape

the music of ferocious exhilaration in defiance of the Grim Reaper riding your ass

your guns your bombs your blades your stealth your key cards your bullshit

let it all drop

now is the time

for your legs to work'n'pump'n'carry all of your cheeks across the finish line,

there's no one left to rescue,

there's no more ranks to attain,

there's no one left to kill,

there's no place to hide,

there's no more nonsense to collect,

you must run from the annihilating spite,

the sore loser auto-destruct grudge, the final gift of a bitter final boss, 

fuck that guy forever,

fuck his guns, fuck his hardened survival bunkers, fuck his ammo dumps, fuck his mercenary errand boys, fuck his minefields, fuck his tanks, fuck his flag, fuck his memory,

run for your life, for your Now,

don't stop 'til the staff roll,

never feel asleep ever again,

and maybe just never stay still ever again,

there's no Heaven Beyond,

there's only the Now,

don't ever get locked into the Paranoiac's Militarized Happy House: the Siege Fortress,

the mausoleum,

the monumental man,

stay meats,

stay Now,

stay running . . .

-May 2022-July 2022