Monday, January 27, 2025


car crash dream

dislodged from physics

flailing metamorphosis

car crash repeating unto eternal recurrence

accepting total appetite

a passion for crashin’

movie deal inked

dump trucks bust cash all over me

i'm doing irresponsible things with a Zippo

Cash American Inferno

dontcha know

it’ll be the best scene i guess

The Passion of the Crashin’

stumble charging into traffic

Christ of the Fifty-Seven Vehicle Pile-Up

my martyrdom is gory unto comedy

my hair looks amazing

you’ll hate me even as you worship me as you hate me as you worship me

make it stop

make it start

compromised theatrical cut

extended director’s cut on two disc DVD

Internet rumors of a sixty-nine hour workprint

the you-know-what of tape trader Captain Ahabs for a generation

make it stop

make it start