Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Lynch Meditations -1

Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumiere, born October 19, 1862
Louis Jean Lumiere, born October 5, 1864
Francis Bacon, born October 28, 1909
Trinity Nuclear Test, July 16, 1945, Trinity Test Site, New Mexico
David Lynch, born January 20, 1946
Truman Doctrine of containment of communist countries, advent March 12, 1947
Louis Jean Lumiere, died June 7, 1948
Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumiere, died April 10, 1954
Six Men Getting Sick (Six Times), released 1967, directed by David Lynch . . .

Staid gentlemen
flying apart
under the weight of nuclear jitters
a tarantella communicable
from the bite of fate
furiously unleashing the suppressed terrors
of a world poisoned by the dream
of total annihilation

light obliterates
but it can also capture dreams

two schools of sublime rigor:
nuclear weapons
and cinema
or metastasizing
within the tormented heart of the twentieth century