Saturday, December 28, 2019

Every Day Is Halloween 9: The Long, Dark Tunnel of Godhood

Never knowing
if I-Creator-am also Created.

am I misled by the submission and desperation of a billion prayers for peace, total victory in war, mountains of duty-free wealth, that miracle fourth quarter touchdown, that first kiss, orgasms never-ending, youth eternal, vengeance unlimited?

was it such a good idea to walk as a human ever so briefly, and then go back to being so remote, so unrelatable?

if I'm the only one, why be jealous of others?

will I, too, end?
will they let Me?

what if I was more direct, more methodical-less cryptic, less artsy? More Kurosawa, less Lynch?

what if I just decided to make everything okay-would you notice, would I let you notice? Should I take credit-is that being selfish and demanding of other people's love?

when it comes to Hell: did I dream that one up, or was that you? That was you, right? That's so aggressive! I wouldn't do that . . . I mean, I didn't stop you-so it's like it may as well be Me. Well, shit.

Would you think less of Me if I told you that I very much want to cosplay as Kyle Hyde from Hotel Dusk Room 215? It's not his personal look-WHAT is that shit on his chin? It's that Red Crown jacket. So fire!

I tell you what.
You can keep on praying to Me,
if it makes you feel better,
but I'll also say a few prayers,
to whatever's higher on the food chain than Me.

I'm not a believer,
but I'll give it a shot.
-December 2019

Copyright 2019 by William D. Tucker. All rights reserved.