Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Lynch Meditations -24

If I really, really, really like a movie
I want to ruminate on the best parts
extract them
make my own unauthorized sequel-thing inside my mind
I should be a YouTuber, right?
but I kinda like it that a lot of these highly illegal sequels
exist solely inside my brain
which is where my mind lives
and I like to joke about a dystopian future where the Brain Police cut into your brain to confiscate unauthorized Brain Cuts of films
leaving the criminal sequelizer in a sorry, drooling state
and this is all highly fanciful
and I really, really, really should devote those thought cycles to more fruitful projects
but some movies have transcendent images
that go beyond what they were strictly intended to be
busting loose from their original context and mode'n'motivation of production
and spiral into new forms
under my criminal mental guidance.
the black and white trees and burning sun of Rashomon
becomes Rashomon 2 under my sinister influence;
the final shootout of The Wild Bunch combines with the final sword fight from The Sword of Doom and merges with the jogging astronaut sequence from 2001: A Space Odyssey
or maybe one of the geometrically regimented orgies from Salo
yes, mashups are part of the unauthorized Brain Cuts, as well
but I want it to exist solely inside my mind.
I'm daring the enforcers of this dystopian imaginary
to come get me
make this interesting
see 'em come out in force
make 'em purchase my brain at the highest price . . .

whoa, crazytown, ya'll
but that brings me to Twin Peaks Season 3.
my favorite parts are where people move from the background
into the foreground
those moments of threshold
(fuck that word liminal-no one knows what the hell it means, sometimes you need more than one word, goddamnit, to get over)
a person moves from the shadows into the light
and best of all
that scene where Evil Coop takes that long walk to meet with the Philip Jeffries
who isn't really Jeffries anymore
and then that other scene
where the one armed man warmly invites the One and Only Cooper to fire walk with him
and they go for a long walk
to meet the Jeffries
that isn't really Jeffries anymore

I've done a lot of walking in my time
my walking caught a reputation, you dig?
I was the guy who walked everywhere
"Why walk everywhere?" assholes and nitwits would ask
redneck shitbags would shout from the cabs of their trucks
what with my long hair and beard
all kinds of inappropriate comments
plenty of college assholes, too
and then they would be surprised
they caught that red light all wrong
and I jog up to the driver's side window
and I'm pulling some surprised fucker out of their gas-guzzling mobile armor
by their jowls, by their popped collar,
and I've got questions,
"Wanna say that shit again to my face, redneck fucker, college asshole?"
oh, the fun you have as an all-too-frequent pedestrian!
and in the American South?
fun's afoot when you have your fun on foot!

-but I'm way off track.
wandering afoot
my mind would compose epics beyond the reach of words and cinema
as I stalked the concrete and strip mall and church and state and automobile gridlock wastescape
my unauthorized brain cut
of Twin Peaks Season 3
combines my own pedestrian adventures
with those exquisite moments of threshold that Lynch and his camera crew contrived
which is now all inside me
illegal beyond all conceptions of lawbreaking
ha, ha, haaaa!
I'm never not getting up to fun . . .
they'll have to cut my legs off to end my wander
just make sure you bring an army of Brain Cutting Copyright Cops
up-armored, fully militarized
so's you can say you put out maximum effort
and met honorable defeat by my left hand
'cause you're not good enough for my right
zing! pow! bap!
zip! zap! zop!
Okay. I've had my fun.
I'll say something more normal for the 24th Lynch Meditation.
Pinky swears and spit in the hand and oaths upon my mother's tits.