Friday, August 28, 2020


that movie poster's a goddamn lie

1974’s Countess Sadistica’s Satanic Castle of Orgies


a comic book illustration of a fanged’n’smiling tall, willowy, pale-skinned, red-haired, and red-eyed vampire queen,

twirling a whip over her head,

diaphanous see-through lingerie wind-tossed in all directions,

a line of girls in chains kneeling before her-brunette, raven, blonde,

whilst a vampire hunter in pilgrim-looking attire twists and howls as he is impaled upon a steel spike by a hooded executioner,

a look of supreme agony upon the face of the wannabee Van Helsing,

a wooden stake slipping out of his grasp at the moment of death

-no scene that outrageous, bloody, or cool ever occurred within the body of the film

its connection to the works of the Marquis de Sade is notional at best

the actual contents consisted of a dry-as-a-collegiate-production-of-Chekhov knockoff of a Hammer Films style Van Helsing vs. Dracula thriller with a bunch of Americans doing fakey British accents 

shot in somebody’s parents rather nice house somewheres upstate if the three archived professional reviews from the era are to be credited

-nor was it banned in 36 countries

it only had a brief theatrical run in American coastal cities

where it was met with a half-dozen or so lukewarm reviews

distributed by the unlamented Metropolitan Distributors’ Association,

two other films released under their banner,

both forgotten porno flicks,

(one-Kentucky Ken’s Orgy-a clip job of three separate, unfinished hillbilly-themed bang-out scenarios,

the other titled Holly’s Secret Door-no synopsis, stills, or footage survive)

rose to the surface

ever so briefly

then sank

only the poster remains

a damned lie beyond all statistics

a deceptive piece of anti-evidence

of a fever dream that never was

I mean,

the poster IS pretty cool

so I'm glad they made the movie

so I can have it on my wall and everything

too bad about the director,  writer, cast, and crew

whose careers went nowhere

didn’t even show up in any other exploitation flicks of the era

just a group of friends browbeaten into some ill-conceived vanity opus for all we know

dig that poster tho'

-August 2020