Wednesday, August 26, 2020


 At-a-distance-command-and-controlled cyborg hit squad

give them just the right levels of aggression and cunning

load them up with bionic parts and heavy artillery

make sure at least one asset’s packing a cute little brainwash gun

get the enemy worker bees on your side,

light up the whole fuckin’ hive

-not to worry, not when it comes to the collateral damages and such

the whole planet’s been paved over

by all the rivalling, property-obsessed oligarchic factions

everywhere you go

the same architecture, the same infrastructure

all of Earth

is a campus for some New Era Corporate Citizen,

the constiuent flunky-shit-work drones that make up the bodies politic

of the Money Titans of this contemptible era

-so go nuts,

Young Mastermind,

shoot up the hired gunslingers of the Other Side,

and go ahead and nuke the saloon set, too, while you’re at it

it’s expected and encouraged,

actually . . . sure, sure, sure-sometimes it’s a defector extraction bit,

that requires finesse,


-but force is pretty much default,




and all the parts and pieces of infrastructure

and personnel

have been totally rationalized, standardized, and maker-ized,

ready to be vat-grown and secreted,

or assembled-to-spec in sundry micro-manufacturies world-around,

so get your damage on, son!

Fully Militarized Globally Scaled Gentrification of the Earth

makes all the white trust fund hipster-gentrifiers of the recent past look like amateurs

especially nowadays,

since there’s no pretense of “art,” of “starting a band,” or “doing theatre,” or “opening a cute little coffee spot,” or “thinkin’ I’ll set up a micro-brewery to get a couture drunk-on, bro,”

it’s just straight up guns and bombs and brainwash rays and full-on suicide soldiers

when you need some of those;


whenever and however you like it, son,

no slow death of economic, racial, and social apartheid, in-this-the-cruellest-now,

just fast-paced commando death squad dropship action,


you wouldn’t even know how to close, dude!

it’s the only way you can elevate yourself from a mere Destroyer

to a full-on Decider . . .

Syndicate is-in my mind-a training program for a dystopian cyberpunk future villain-kinda like a next level Bond Villain, or something like that. 

It should have come with a fully functional vat-grown synth-cat to perch on your lap,

making those biscuits,

as you stroke its fur,

the greatest pack-in feelie of PC gaming history,

ordering the next atrocity,



‘cause the one true executive core competency

you must master

is how to orchestrate the slaughter

with not a spot of blood on you 

secure in your airship

your vicious little godhood.

I’d say it beats minimum wage . . . but what doesn’t?


the more I think about it

you need a prequel to the training program of Syndicate

like what’s the sorting process

to even get into a murderous executive scumbaggery career track?

I mean what with the economic, racial, and social apartheid IRL-

what the fuck does that look like eye-deep into a dystopian cyberpunk future?

Now that one-that would be too depressing to contemplate.

Something like an All-American capitalist version of Papers, Please. 

Probably too much to contemplate even for a pessimist like me.