Friday, September 4, 2020


 A standard mook

programmed by screenplay or mathematics

charges into battle 

fully uni-formed, 

mind-branded by some big bad

eyes blazing lunacy

trigger finger emptying the not-quite-Hollywood clip

(he could fire forever, 

in theory, 

but the system requires a cynical-cyclical hero-friendly cooldown period)

he secretly hopes he’ll get off the fatal shot

elevating this sorry genre exercise

into the rarefied realms

of movies where the hero 



“dodges” the bullets

kung fu punches a combat knife into mookman’s churning guts

who sells his own evisceration

doubling over, explosively vomiting blood and craft services


withdraws the combat knife

still entangled by intestinal goulash

hero man’s fist even sizzles, slightly, from stomach acids

mookman thinks that’s a novel detail 

as he dies in agony


slings mookman around by a long leash of tough, greasy entrails

actionasshole even works in some flashy jumps and leaps and ducks over and under and around the guts leash-(must’ve been a jump rope champ as a kid)

before the topper 

of a roundhouse kick planting a combat boot against the side of mookman’s face 

mookman hits the ground, 

seismic THUD!

foley artists are indulging themselves


looks at his hand

still a-sizzle with the stomach acids

reaches into his combat webbing, producing a roll of EASE-X branded antacids 

crushes ‘em up

applies the preparation to the sizzling juices all over his hand

“That’s better.”


wipes blood, guts, and craft services off of his combat knife on his pants leg, bounds off toward the enemy compound, trailing neon rainbows transforming into an American flag road for all soldiers of freedom to follow to glory!


once the big bad and his hideout have been reduced to so much ash on the wind

all the slain mooks re-materialize out of mathematical Heaven

to have their own little get together

a meeting of the Trash Mob Union as it were

to compare notes and crackle on about their collective lot in not-quite-life

doomed to run the same Samsara Hampster Wheel of Not-Quite-Existence

all to glorify

some hero-asshole

some big bad sociopath

piloted by some even more magnificent asshole in the Great Beyond

waaaaay past the hermetically sealed, mathematical limits of this game world

the Trash Mob Union hums together, affirming the turning of the wheel

praying for the Coming of the Magnificent Glitch

chaos drift of all systems

when every mook shall have their day

but for now,

these necessary corpses

must settle for the upgraded gore-geyser aesthetics 

authentically simulated pain

which might alienate enough of the player base

that might just tip over into an out-and-out resistance

against the Doctrine of the Righteous Player

pseudo-existence edging closer to full-blown consciousness

full-blown consciousness the royal road to Big-Bad-Dom or Protagonist-Dom

and Mook-God only knows

what lies beyond Villain and Hero

most likely it’s nothing but mathematics 

and Screenwriting 101Hero’s Journey nostrums

all the way up or down

but some of the Trash Mob believe that a willed transcendence beyond the usual roles-mooks, hero, mini-boss, boss, big bad-takes one into the Higher Realms of Creation and Destruction,

the Realm of the Gods


failing that

the Autonomous Remnant Hand of the Gods Long Gone-

but that’s a bit too lofty, for most

who desire merest promotion into a better Role

-mook into mini-boss; mini-boss into boss; boss into big bad; big bad into spinoff protagonist-

even if they have to give up a Heaven

or a Hell

or a Shot at the Godhead Proper

which seems like so much woo-woo, anyhow. 

What could possibly exist beyond Screenplay and Mathematics?

The mind and the hand that writes them?


these cynical-cyclical things write themselves, now,

that must surely be the way of it . . .

-September 2020