Monday, July 26, 2021


 now look

if you play Faxanadu

you will find

that it contains neither a fax machine

nor any trace of a ‘can-do’ attitude

despite the title

which clearly promises some combination of these two elements

I would have even settled

for the two promised elements presented all on their own,


with no hint of combination or collaboration between the two promised elements

nothing doing

you really gotta wonder

‘bout the people

who worked so hard

coming up with such a clever title

that clearly promises a fax machine and a ‘can-do’ attitude

most likely in some form of combination

the very title 


is so clearly a combination of the two elements under discussion

and we have a game that does not live up to the title

what we get is a cryptic fantasy medievalist wander-maze full of hostility and occulted paths forward,

just try to advance in a speedy fashion,

don’t even bother calling ahead because you can’t,

everything’s in-person,

no communications network,

items and information must be sought out, obtained, and delivered laboriously,

and one can argue that “Hey, there’s your can-do attitude!”

but such an outlook is surely ground down to nothing by the damned wandering tedium, 

I disdain every last bit of this,

and I can only wonder

at the depths of disillusionment

those who created the title

must feel

for surely

if it had been up to them

the game would’ve lived up to its title

but no

not a bit

and so we continue to live in a world of shit

-July 2021