Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Two words . . .

 . . . HOLY STORK . . .

. . . these anti-abortion people seem poised to ruin a lot of lives by infringing upon a woman's right to choose how she lives her life.

You've got no exceptions for rape or incest.

You've got phony scumbag "bounty hunters" ratting people out to the cops.

You better believe birth control is the next big target for these fanatics.

Lots of women and girls could be killed or harmed or incarcerated or all three and for what?

No sane reason exists.

Maybe these Republicans and their Supreme Court flunkies are looking forward to building a giant statue of a holy stork using their slimy dark money to honor their putrid achievements.

Maybe the holy stork will even replace the Statue of Liberty. 

Yeah, it could come to that.