Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Two weeks after my second COVID-19 jab . . .


. . . and I feel fine.

The actual shot?

Nothing to it.

I sat in a chair.

I rolled up my sleeve. 

A nurse did the hard part.

For both jabs, I didn't even feel the needle go in.

Made me paranoid the first time that my nurse was some kind of stealth anti-vaxxer. 

The true enemy, as always, is Your Fellow Human. 

But not that time. 

Next day, I felt a bit of soreness in the arm. 

No other symptoms. 

Same deal the second time.

No true enemies, a welcome change of pace.

Yeah . . . not much of a story here.

You may recall being told that conflict is the heart of any good story.

Soooo . . . I guess this would be . . . a bad story with a good ending?

I'll take it.