Saturday, October 30, 2021

Listening to the Bee Gees . . .

 . . . and my dude is lamenting how his life is going nowhere, and he cries out for help.

But soon enough, he insists that he'll be "stayin' alive."

Hey, it's gonna be all right.

First of all, you can’t be "nowhere."

You're always somewhere. Even if you're dead, your body takes awhile to decompose. And if you're cremated, well, matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So even unto total obliteration . . . you're still not nowhere. You're just distributed a bit differently is all. You're always somewhere. Even in death.

Which makes one wonder . . . isn't it more of a downer to be somewhere as opposed to nowhere, since somewhere is the state you can't actually escape? Even in death?

Oh, yeah, I been thinkin' about this.

Plus, you're clearly goin' somewhere according to the overall context of the song and the movie it's associated with-which would be Saturday Night Fever . . . you're going to the disco! You've got sick moves! You're going to get laid! Hell, you might dance so good that you just auto-bust your own nuts all over yourself! That'll get you in the New York Times-which is definitely not nowhere, amIrite?

I think you know you can trust me on this.

Plus, this song is an evergreen hit. Even if you're sick of singing it or hearing it . . . there’s, like, a million cover versions on YouTube. It's ever-refreshed by the vocal cords of tyros! Even established singers have a go! The tightness is strong with this track.

My favorite cover version is one of the Vaporwave slow-mo versions. Sounds like Audrey II on the vocals, and it would go great with a Sam Peckinpah-style gundown sequence. 

Imagine that: Disco Vaporwave Peckinpah. 

Somebody out there surely has an album called Vaporwave Peckinpah in the works.

And if they don't . . . well, you know how it is. These young folks got mad stress. Too many side-hustles in the pipeline. But we'll get there. We'll get to Vaporwave Peckinpah. 

Just keep . . . stayin' alive.