. . . sword too sharp
slices the fabric of reality
way beyond parameters
even if this fuck-up in and of itself
suggests a far more interesting game
that level of insight
is not what we provide you a life for
we already catch
a billion genius accidents a second
it's nothing we didn't already anticipate
we filter this shit
the ronin
never had such an interaction
too rogue-cop-motherfucking-the-chief
to be a real life thing
but the ronin iterates on this fantasy nonstop
fuck you
your games are garbage
your executives are all rapists and capitalist exploiters
i'm burning this motherfucker to the ground
i don't need money or property
my stats are maxed
i live in a zone of inertia where dumbass action movie fantasy does not work
of work from home
could fall down any day
rough timeline gives comfort
but it's gone lights out before
harrowing six months:
am I safe in my home?
will I be evicted?
could I just wander like Yojimbo?
Mifune just throws a stick in the air
stick lands
Mifune walks in the direction that stick points
what will I do instead of depression meds once scrip becomes unaffordable?
do I chew stoically on a toothpick?
does placebo effect touch the depression?
would wandering outdoors be good for my overall health outlook?
that was a harrowing six months
loose talk of unions
"pandemic changes everything"
the ronin tries to stay out of it
here's the internal static:
i have just enough
when you ask for more in this world
that's the signal
for the power to give you less,
maybe just take what you already have,
maybe just make you have zero,
and I got that harrowing six months inside me,
i sometimes call that
"my graduate and doctoral school"
i am finally certified disposable
call me
suits me
i . . . earned it?
the way of the ronin
unlike the way of the samurai
lies not in death
but in the never was
-November 2014-January 2022