Sunday, November 17, 2024


A secret official history

of the Justice Prevailers

the heroic lineage of the metamorphic warriors what went around blowing up all those dead malls full up with slimy, rubbery monsters-of-the-week born of the failed dreams of yesteryear’s compulsive consumers’ pathologies

freshly unearthed

giving the lie

to the widely circulated officially authorized public history of the Justice Prevailers

it fucked everything up

in theory

it made everything more complicated

in theory

illustrating with obsessively detailed insider accounts just how unregulated and corrupt and messy and confused and bitchy and backstabby and self-mythologizing and addicted to fighting for the sake of fighting and strung out on every kind of drug and deeply contemptuous of everyday people and paranoid and obsessed with acquiring more power and obsessed with stockpiling ever more destructive arsenals of ultratech weapons the Justice Prevailers actually were

in theory

people would read this stuff, and give a shit

in practice

people weren’t much for moderating their doomscrolling to read thousands of pages of boring-as-fuck words

in practice

much of the nuance got paved over

those who sought the destruction of the Justice Prevailers in the name of nostalgic defenses of enclosed shopping mausoleums continued to seek their destruction


those that professed undying faith in the Justice Prevailers as the harbingers of creative destruction simply ignored the unflattering passages


in practice

the two broadly construed opposing factions 

ended up believing what they already believed even harder

which was fine

having the two factions pound skulls

generated lots of merch sales

and when the big budget based on a True Story Hollywood movie got squirted onto screens

it did okay

if only that budget didn’t get so out of hand



it was Number One

for a weekend

but the profit


the profit was more of a Notional

as per industry standards

but the right executive people made the right kind of money

even if the final deliverable ultimately bankrupted a studio, put twelve special effects houses out of business due to burdensome contracts that tripled their workloads without concomitant pay increases, failed to impress critics, and constricted the overall economic space of viability for filmmakers of all budgets

hey . . . it was a pretty good movie

like to watch

not so much to think on

not one to be remembered

just a fling

no matter the true costs

which the Vast Squishy Middle types who make up the majority audience

aren’t even aware of

and so a set of images and notions about the Justice Prevailers


and look you

what’s shambling our way

new monsters-of-the-week aborning

from the frustrated desires

of a culture writhing in despair

as they realize they cannot consume their way to happiness

but we still have the Prevailers

ready to kick ass, raise hell, make a big scene

take our minds off the despair focus

hell, I’m sure they’ll get around to knocking ol’ Despair Itself through a brick wall

that would be a cool scene for sure