Thursday, March 30, 2023



Q: How do I unlock Next Level Tightness?

A: Oh, that's easy, friend! All you have to do is produce and distribute a long-running super robot mecha OVA centered around a towering super robot created in the image of Rex Harrison. The gargantuan Rex Harrison mech is piloted by William Shatner. Whenever Shatner needs to do his 'speak-singing' routine he just hops inside the Harrison mech and his speak-singing powers are amplified into the Cosmic Love Limit Zone which is truly a big deal. Shatner is able to end wars, vanquish amorphous demons embodying cosmic evil, and even get invited to perform at prestigious industry award ceremonies, events, fundraisers, and promotions. So, my dear friend, do all of this, and you will surely unlock next level tightness!

BONUS: If the production of this OVA entails lots of drama; shady financial backers; tectonic shifts in creative direction; chaotic turnover of creative leads and core staff; a grotesquely protracted production timeline; and a storyline which, in the end, remains tantalizingly incomplete despite a release schedule stretching across no less than two decades . . . then congratulations. Because then you will have unlocked Meta-Tightness!