Monday, May 22, 2023


I may as well tell you about The Human Timer.

This can be used for any game that requires you to use a stopwatch, kitchen timer, or software application that emulates a timer. 

The Human Timer is a person who counts down the seconds, as opposed to a mechanical device or software app. The Human Timer counts down the seconds out loud, "1, 2, 3, 4, . . ." etc. until they reach the final second-60, 120, 180,  240, 300, whatever the required interval happens to be for the purposes of the game. The players dictate the number of seconds that must be counted by The Human Timer with absolute authority. When needed, a player says, "Time, X seconds." X may be any number. The Human Timer responds with, "Time Ready." To start the count, the player says, "Time go," and The Human Timer immediately counts the seconds starting with the number 1. The Human Timer may be required to face towards the players or away from them at the players' discretion. The Human Timer is not considered a 'player' in this context. 

However, The Human Timer has absolute discretion over the rate at which they count the seconds. The Human Timer is under no obligation to accurately measure out the seconds. The Human Timer may speak the numbers slowly and/or with huge gaps of silence between each number, or they may speak them at Micro Machine pitchman John Moschitta, Jr. levels of speed. The Human Timer is totally free to alter the pace of their count however they see fit. The only hard and fast requirements are that they-The Human Timer-must speak all of the numbers accurately and in proper sequence starting with the number 1 with no skips, repeats or other errors; and The Human Timer is also strictly forbidden from adding 'One One Thousand' or 'Mississippi' or any other extra words after speaking the numbers. 

The players may not interfere with The Human Timer once the count begins unless an error occurs. Players may express their frustrations or amusement to each other, but they may not hassle The Human Timer unless a number is skipped or repeated or unauthorized words are spoken. 

If The Human Timer errs in any way, they may be immediately fired by the players at their discretion, or offered another chance to get it right. 

Due to the unsettling time distortion effects that may occur when employing The Human Timer, this is all strictly optional. Use with caution.