Wednesday, October 25, 2023


I like those unsold pilots from the early '00s where everybody's chasing every kind of variation on the formula cop show. Specifically, the variants that tried to make cops look as cool as possible. The dude cops are all gym-ripped, steroid-juiced, and fresh from the hairdresser's chair. The lady cops all got the low rise jeans, Ahab-worthy whale tails, and post-coital shower hair. Only the killjoy internal affairs jerks are presented as being kinda creepy-basically, IA is positioned as the classic John Keel style Men in Black or the Agents from The Matrix. You got that driving techno music and flashy editing and jittery handheld camera work. Of course, the city's experiencing a next level crimewave-murders, rapes, bombings, robberies, letter writing serial killers, gang wars-because everyone's eager to make the waiting list to get into Club Police . . .