Friday, April 5, 2024


we are stranded

in an abstract concrete desolationscape

lit by vehicular headlights

hard men fire their guns

into a dude

round after round

into just the one dude

the dude

is squibbing off

little timed explosives packed with raw hamburger and crimson corn syrup

to simulate getting blown away

like in an action movie

but the guy just keeps on squibbing off

it’s not just an effect rigged for a specific action

it has become the entire movie

two hours

of the dude flailing and twitching about

blasting syrup and beef all over the place

we get cutaways of hard men firing guns

at first

but then 

we get cutaways of the hard men reloading

and then

hard men patting themselves down for stray ammo

and then


hard men just looking confused

because they’ve fired every last bullet

not a bullet left to fire

and yet squib dude just keeps on a-squibbin’

some of the hard men wander off into the night

some sit down upon the concrete to see how much longer squib dude’ll go

a select few start making gunshot noises with their mouths while jerking their spent Tommy Guns and Uzis and Kalashnikovs all about in a pantomime of recoil

squib dude keeps on squibbing into the mysterious night

we cut to a shot of the hard men who wandered off repeatedly walking into an oppressively bland concrete wall, bouncing off, walking back into it, bouncing off, walking back into it, some kind of dumbass eternal recurrence

squib dude keeps on squibbing into the mysterious night