Thursday, February 2, 2023


If you are trying to decide on a book to read, and you're browsing the shelves of a used bookstore or a library, or just sorting through your own collection, and you flip through pages to see what's going on, and if you find something between the pages-an old bookmark, a receipt, some stamps in a plastic sleeve, baseball card, religious hellfire tract, cult indoctrination pamphlet, Pokemon card-then that is the book you shall read. And you'll use whatever you find between the pages as your bookmark when you're reading. 

Now here's the interesting part.

If, for whatever reason, you find yourself browsing books again even though you're already reading the one book and you find something between the pages of one of these books you're browsing through then you must start reading this book alongside the book you're already reading. 

Essentially, any time you're looking at books and you find something between the pages you have to add the books with things between the pages to your readerly toils. The only way to guarantee you won't have to add books to your active reads is to stop browsing books once you're already reading just the one book. 

Now, you may already have sensed the hidden danger within this scheme. Which is as follows:

If people stop putting things between the pages of books, then you may not be able to ever read a book again. Also, if books go completely pageless-like with e-books-then you may not be able to read books ever again.

Because of the hidden dangers, this scheme is strictly optional.