Sunday, February 12, 2023


"Alcohol is a Class One carcinogen. Drinking alcohol increases your risk of cancer. Alcohol consumption may also exacerbate depression, anxiety, and mood swings. Alcohol plays a significant role in vehicular crashes, injuries, and deaths. Alcohol consumption is also associated with various acts of violence, including intimate partner abuse, public brawling, sexual assault, rape, and homicide. Additionally, alcohol's interactions with other medications may lead to undesirable outcomes up to and including death. Some have said that all these effects conspire to shorten one's effective lifespan and therefore contribute to reduced financial expenditures. In other words, the shorter your lifespan the less money you have to spend on being alive. In this schema: The more you drink, the more you save! But this is obviously fallacious. Cancer treatments can be financially burdensome. Legal costs of defending oneself from charges of violence can quickly escalate. Not to mention emergency room visits due to alcohol poisoning and dangerous drug interactions can result in onerous debts. Not to mention costs incurred from vehicular crashes, lost work days, and fines for destruction of properties be they public or private. So to say, The more you drink, the more you save! is simply not convincing. It would be more convincing to say, The more you drink, the more money you have to spend cleaning up the rubble of your reckless existence, and therefore the more clout you build on the Conspicuous Consumption Scene! Which is where we all wanna be, right? I mean the brand endorsements are simply killer."