Thursday, January 11, 2024


Wacky Crisis Theme: Flip City by Glenn Frey (Ghostbusters II OST)

This is the theme that plays when there’s an intense, yet non-serious, crisis gripping the city. It could be poltergeists fucking with the nightly news broadcast, distorting the signal, making the anchorpersons look like psychedelic Video Toaster-ized talking rhinoceroses. It could be gremlins derailing subway cars without killing anyone. Maybe talking dogs are organizing their human owners into a gang of obedient thieves in an inversion of The Doberman Gang. Maybe a talking dog has brainwashed its human owner to go out and shoot people . . .with a Super Soaker or a Nerf rocket launcher or a t-shirt cannon-a family friendly riff on the Son of Sam, y’know? Maybe a terrorist sets off a bomb that makes everyone’s underwear appear on the outside of their clothes like Superman. Or all the elevators stop working while a cyclical “improv fad” is burning through the population and the groups of people stuck in elevators all bond and decide to form improvisation troupes when they’re finally rescued-and, indeed, when they are freed from their elevators that’s when the real crisis begins as the city is overcome by a shitty improv comedy plague which can only be resolved by special agents in mechsuits who have no choice but to rubble the city to root out the infection with chest mounted death rays and shoulder rocket pods and huge steel fists and bigass vulcan cannons-one of them thar “it was necessary to destroy the city in order to save it” type of deals. 

Trifling shit.

Nothing heavy, nothing tragic.

Family fuckin’ friendly, y’know?

Sure you do!