Friday, July 5, 2024


As we approach Millennium you may notice that there are two of you.

This other you is better looking than you, richer than you, stronger than you, more successful than you, waaaaaaaaay sexier than you could ever hope to be-

Oh, yes.

This other you is going to bother you.

If you let it.

You see, part of the trick of navigating Millennium has to do with how you choose to deal with this other you.

Do you destroy them-but are you just destroying your potential better self?

Do you make friends with them-only to have them learn by intimacy your vulnerabilities so that they more efficiently absorb, duplicate, and replace you?

Do you ignore them-perhaps they are not at all relevant or even a hallucination spawned by your mind as it overheats from pre-Millennial fever?

Maybe, just maybe, you can take this vexing duplication as a sign to elevate your hustle, to work harder, to become stronger, more clever-and then they will seek your approval, seek your proximity-

-and then You will be the one to absorb this pernicious foe, to partake of their innermost strength, to seize their earthly assets.

True, there are those among us that hold a naive belief that You and Your Double can join hands in celebrating Millennium. You may even already be indulging such soft-hearted sentiments as time grows short. Deadline pressures may cause stress. Stress may cause one to seek relief in escapist fantasias.

Here’s the Reality Check:

The Millennium is a Fortress.

A Fortress divides those Within from those Without.

Each side-Within or Without-only has room for one of You.

Of course, there’s another Way.

The Way of Luxury Accommodations.

That’s right, for a small initial Investment you may secure an ample apartment within the Fully Integrated Millennial Fortress Lifestyle Redoubt.

But slots are limited. There’s a rigorous screening process. Not to mention a tight deadline. You’ll have to get your affairs in order posthaste.

But, well, and this may be presumptuous of me to say this . . . but I think you have the look of someone who is ready to begin their Application Journey.

Right here.

Right now.

In fact, I have been authorized to offer you both Early Bird Fee Pricing and an Expedited Vetting Procedure-at a savings level that would be a bargain at thrice the price.

My friend . . . the Millennium . . . the Future . . . requires both strength and speed to seize it.

Do you have the Stuff?

The Stuff . . . of . . . Millennium?!?

-sometime later you are sitting in a fucked-up hotel room with no electricity, a clogged toilet, and a financial identity that now belongs to a former real estate agent who, last you heard, has gone to ground in Russia somewheres. The Millennial Fortress turned out to be a failed hotel resort out on the Florida Tourism Coast that was minimally livable for the last three months of the Old Era and the first two months of the New Millennium. The cycling of the ages brought nothing like Armageddon or even anything Armageddon-adjacent. But you sometimes stare into the mirror and pretend you’re having a psychic battle with your Mr. Hyde Self or whatever. But you were always one to make your own fun, weren’t you?