Tuesday, July 9, 2024


When you shout the word . . .


. . . you now have the power to unleash a bewildering series of high speed backflips that make you look as though you are going to break all of your shit to pieces.

The enemy will cringe and wince and in extreme cases even gag at the sight of you executing this impressive display.

When you’re back on solid ground you will surely find the enemy so discombobulated that their overall combat effectiveness is reduced by half.

BEWARE: If you and your enemy unleash Backfliptaculars at the same time this may cause the general NPC population to realize that such abilities being done by two or more beings at once means that these techniques are potentially within everyone’s reach which may cause an outbreak of Backfliptaculars-maybe even a full-on Backfliptacular Pandemic. In the worst case scenario Global Backfliptacular Criticality may be achieved which may end in Backfliptaculargeddon-an outcome feared by most, yet devoutly wished for by a select few. In the end if all are capable of Backfliptaculars then the technique may lose its ability to discombobulate. Note the similarity to the ongoing Crisis of Comedy: if everyone and anyone has a shitty Netflix Special with a fake audience primed to laugh at hack bullshit and if everyone and anyone can record and disseminate a pretentious bloviation podgrift . . . well, at least Backfliptaculargeddon is vigorous exercise, isn’t it?