Friday, July 26, 2024


Stop all fun. Just don’t even go near anything that gives you even, like, the, uh, like, the precursor, even, to a sensation of having fun. It’ll seem like an ordeal, at first, but stick with the program, all right? Deny yourself. Totally. Just cut it all out. Live in the misery. Dwell in the tedium. You can even apply enhancements. Like you light a candle on a windy day and then you force yourself to walk from one arbitrary point on the map to another arbitrary point on the map-obviously, right? If the candle goes out? You start over. You forbid yourself from moving beyond the uncompleted task. Even when you complete it . . . you create another task for yourself. Or you just do the completed task again. Despite all this bullshit . . . you will turn a corner . . . and you will find some way of enjoying the candle thing or whatever it is you decide to do. Even if it’s all in the mind. You’ll find it. Perhaps some sense of hilarity at your predicament or a pornographic flight or a trancelike state. It’ll be something. It’ll happen. At the moment when your enjoyment starts to wane you can go back to your usual existence.