Monday, July 15, 2024


Theme of Surviving the Celebration: Solar Samba by Yuji Ohno (Ashita no Joe 2 OST)

It’s not enough to prevail in battle or even to win the war.

Oh, no, my friend.

Victory just isn’t enough these days.

Because now . . . you must survive the celebration.

The celebration contains the seeds of the new conflict.

For every heart and mind won, how many have you trampled into the dirt?

Enemies aborning.

Even those that stand with you may demand that you take a fall.

Why did you rise to such a height in the first place?

To take the plunge.

Why build the sand castle?

To kick it to pieces.

Why so much angst over seeking sobriety?

To blow it to pieces in the Comeback Bender of All Times.

Why such a public relapse into the bottle’s depths?

To launch a Charm’N’Humility Lifestyle Pornography Offensive to shill your All Organic Sober Mind range of health supplements and paywall gated instructional streams.

But all of this is just ancillary products and brand identity leasing.

Here’s the Ultimate Question:

How hard should you hit your enemy?

So hard that your fist and their face shatter simultaneously: absolute victory and a glorious excuse for retirement in the same instant.

But then . . . you must survive your retirement.

In the end . . . perhaps we are all Doomed to Celebrate . . .