Saturday, October 15, 2022


I am abso-goddamn-lutely convinced that someone is altering the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down verdicts on these YouTube uploads of old episodes of Siskel and Ebert using deep fake motherfuckery to bamboozle us all here on planet Earth. The point is to fuck up your trivia night when you're trying to remember what movies got which thumb rating from which critic. 

I'm also certain that some of these movies they're reviewing have never actually existed. For example: do you remember ever seeing a movie starring Gillian Anderson and Jon Stewart in some kind of a romantic drama? It's totally fuckin' fake. No one remembers it, and it stars two of the biggest TV people of all times-which is another clue. Everybody knows that back in the 1990s TV people didn't get any kinda action from the movies. George Clooney was the only one, no one else. It's a total fake. 

This is some sick shit, people. And we need to expose it for all the world to see!

William loses interest in this endeavor after seventeen minutes. The world takes no notice. All is well.