Monday, October 31, 2022




monster of murderous mystery

a tangle of grotesque bits and pieces

Frankensteined together by the awful Dr. Aufidius,

archvillain of Vigilante Sword Maniac Against the Winds of Destiny: Supreme Slaughter Panorama,

the umpteenth adventure of the cauldron concocted mercenary swordmaster

this was the one where the star was upstaged by the heavy

the magnificent Shroudhounder

a ghastly writhing tangle

of cobra hooded snapping dog's heads

hairy arms swinging heavy blades

and bizarre gearworks extrusions spitting fire'n'smoke'n'cursed pieces of paper

all of it swaddled in a bizarre costume of sutured together potato sacks

and when it rears up to show its belly

it ain't because it wants a rub and a liver treat

for a huge'n'terrible gash vomits forth hot steaming entrails to snare'n'digest you

for years

cult audiences wondered at how such a brain searingly complex monster could function with such poise, ferocity, muscularity, and speed 

all of it seemingly live and in camera

the mystery is solved in the special features


a behind the scenes doc that was only available on a Japan exclusive laserdisc

didn't help that the movie bombed hard with both critics and general audiences

for years nothing but rumors and insinuations

but now we can see

right there on YouTube

a small army of people operating a bewilderingly complex set of guidelines, wires, and all manner of abstruse puppetry gear-it hurts to stare at the tangle for too long, defies technical post-mortem,

and yet the crew shouts with joy as they make the vast'n'writhing tangle of limbs'n'blades rumble across the miniature landscape

chief special efx technician claims they didn't plan to make it boogie like that

it was just something that occured to them on the day

they didn't even have enough crew to do it

so they put out the word to friends and colleagues

and this got them in big trouble with the executives and the union

some say this is why the final edit's so unwieldy

the producers fought the director mightily

whispered stories of rival editing suites

clandestine teams fighting for and against the inclusion of Shroudhounder's wild charge

but many believe that the rules violations don't even touch the mystery

studios fuck over workers all the time

unions have far less power in the biz than people attribute to 'em,

no, no, no,

it was the power that came through in the puppetry

something was instantiated within the artifice



became real 

which put the fear into all present

something powerful

that hungered to be free of cinema

to tear loose of its fated role as a heel who takes a fall upon the appointed moment

to roam the world beyond the screen,

to break the frame,

to collect actual heavy heads,

to drink hot blood pumping from freshly rent neckstumps,

to rumble across actual landscapes,

no bogus three act bullshit to cramp its good time ever again-

-in an interview with the lead actor

he said specifically that he felt kinda upstaged by the "Shroudhounder contraption. I mean, where was the human element, eh? I just thought the whole franchise was devolving into tricks and gimmicks at that point. Here I am, the hero, and I'm just totally eclipsed by this monster machine. May as well replace me with a marionette, too, y'know?"

-as for me,

I remember Shroudhounder's wild charge

-easily the most memorable moment in the otherwise  impenetrable umpteenth Vigilante Sword Maniac flick,

which I had obtained through tape trading in 1998 or 1999,

right in the depths of the End of History-

snapping, frothing cobra dogs

wolfman arms swinging exotically shaped blades,

cursed bits of paper causing pyrotechnic spectacles wherever they landed,

glimpses of furiously grinding gears through tears in its potato sack garb,

and square-ass Vigilante Sword Maniac's face blanched with big-time What-the-Fuck-ness 

as a storm of spectacularly inhuman wildness overwhelms too-too-precious Method Actor Humanism-

-oh, yes

I see why they junked'n'buried the Shroudhounder contraption

no need to even go behind the scenes

the footage in the actual film

is startlingly free of mysteries

if one is willing to look

and to see-

-December 2012, October 2017, October 2022