Monday, October 17, 2022

Liberderpianism . . .

. . . is the social/political/economic philosophy of people who like the sound of the word libertarian, and are attracted to the concept of not paying any taxes, and are intrigued by the prospect of swinging, but who couldn't get through the first chapter of Atlas Shrugged because it was too fuckin' boring and a real doorstopper in terms of the page count. Liberderpians are known to attend Libertarian conferences, conclaves, and ice cream socials to shoot free market lingo and, hopefully, to get laid. Some have criticized Liberderpians as insincere and opportunistic, but supporters say, "Hey, it's a Free Marketplace of ideas and ass, baby!" Despite the controversy, most people-across the political spectrum-are unable to detect any noticeable differences between Libertarians and Liberderpians when surveyed and surveilled in both formal and informal research settings.