Thursday, October 27, 2022


Cocaine Megalomania Theme: BIO WARS by Koichi Sugiyama from the soundtrack for Godzilla vs. Biollante

It's rock. It's orchestral. It's disco. It's a little bit funky. There are horns. It's all things. It's definitely something a musician concocted with too much time, money, caprice, and disregard for whether it makes sense in a giant monster movie. Usually when you think of Godzilla movies you think of Akira Ifukube's ominous and majestic compositions that captured the terror and the tragedy of Mother Nature's Anti-Nuclear Avenger. Here we have what sounds like something you'd hear in the depths of a Chuck Barris superspy hallucination as he shoots bad guys while getting laid and defusing a nuclear bomb. If you ever watch Godzilla vs Biollante you can pretty much tell that the filmmakers thought this music was not a good fit by the way they ruthlessly edited it down to little fits and spurts and stains on the kaiju-rubbled landscape. Still, as an evocation of cocaine-induced delusions of godhood it's pretty much tops!

Care for a bump, my dawg?

BONUS: For more fun, watch Godzilla vs Biollante and imagine Godzilla snorting rails, flipping out, and trashing his trailer due to his being upstaged by his gargantuan-mutant-plant-with-the-soul-of-a-dead-girl nemesis. You see, they never really brought Biollante back after this one flick, and I think it's because she is way more awesome than Gojira, and the Big G fuckin' knew it, and pitched a bitch to the producer about it. Just one more reason why we can't have nice things.