Wednesday, January 18, 2023


I want you to picture deep within your mind the characters of Cloud and Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII Remake

Do you have them well in mind?

Very good.

Now, together, we will use the power of imagination to effect a profound transformation. 

This is not the first time we have done this, but I do not want you to treat this lightly. You are still at the very beginning of this journey. All attention must be paid to all particulars. 

Now, do you still have Cloud and Sephiroth well in mind? 


Now, bring forth your Mental Beam Laser-but do not fire! Bring forth the locus of power to the center of your forehead, and allow it to gather power. You will most likely perceive this locus as a hyperdense ball of light-a wee little sun-just above your nose.

How nice!

We will now elevate your Mental Beam Laser game. You will now picture deep within your mind Harvey Pekar and David Letterman two of the most consequential characters of Late Night Talk TV

Do you have Pekar and Letterman well in mind?

Are you also maintaining your brain imaging of Cloud and Sephiroth?

All four-Pekar, Cloud, Letterman, Sephiroth-are of utmost importance to our endeavor. 

Do you have all four vividly pictured inside yourself?

Good job.

Now, I will ask you to will the hyperdense orb to expand into the image of an abandoned low income residence located in Cleveland, Ohio. We zoom into the front porch where we see an old couch-looking incongruous-and we can just make out the phantasmal image of a woman dressed in red and pink standing in shadows just beyond the door frame. We pull back, and now Letterman, Sephiroth, Pekar, and Cloud enter from the edges of the frame. They pause before stepping up onto the porch, chatting among themselves the best way to get a grip on that incongruous couch. Sephiroth and Letterman-who refuse to be memories-have no problem getting up onto the porch, but Cloud and Pekar-who are always tormented by memories-prefer not to get any closer to the inside of that house, so they will help maneuver the couch from off the porch. Soon enough, the party has maneuvered the incongruous couch from off the porch, and they hustle it out of frame. We zoom back in, just as the phantasmal woman in red and pink moves deeper into the abandoned house, beyond our sight-

Do you begin to see?

The power of concentrating your Mental Beam Laser into hyperdense concentration?

Down this path lies both Creation and Destruction!