Monday, January 23, 2023


. . . to be honest, I wasn't that impressed with my time being the famous superhacker outlaw Cyber-Creamer. In the popular imagination, these hacker types are non-conformist heroes, standing tall against oppressive governments and corporations, but, in actuality, a fair few of them work on behalf of oppressive governments and corporations while projecting the image of being cool people or whatever. Like Cyber-Creamer with all the hoopla about "cyber-creaming fools" or what have you. Basically, it's a clubby-gatekeepy subculture of technically proficient people who all resent the fact that the entire world isn't subsumed by their relatively narrow set of concerns. But, by virtue of the lubricated manner in which ideas can slip and slide into each other due to cyberspace's continual extrusions of itself into meatspace it is now possible for Cyber-Creamer and friends to crowbar their way into many more lives that would've been otherwise oblivious and unconcerned with such insular intrigues. 

Still, I have to admit: Cyber-Creamer hipped me to some truly outre food/coffee combinations!

BONUS: For even more Fun Maximization, dip Cyber-Creamer-the outlaw superhacker-into cyber-creamer-the virtualized coffee creamer.