Friday, January 6, 2023


Okay, um . . . this one might come across as a little radical. So prepare yourself. And remember: it's strictly optional.



This one basically mandates that any kind of event or action or product must be-quintessentially-the thing in and of itself.

It's not the hype. It's not the hangout. It's not the after party. It isn't about the promise or the peril-it must be the thing in and of itself.

It's not the podgrift interview or the behind the scenes or the making of-it must be the thing in and of itself.

Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays-those are the Days of Florid Inauthenticity. 

My prediction is that Tuesdays and Thursdays will become screamingly dense with ALL of the activities and such . . . but I guess we'll see going forward. 

Remember: this is all optional.

If that helps.