Monday, December 11, 2023


Deep fake AI hologram hallucination remix/remake of Ridley Scott’s Napoleon starring Jon Lovitz as the titular conqueror, Nora Dunn as Josephine, and Phil Hartman as the Duke of Wellington. A mid credits scene set in an H.R. Giger style biomechanical fuck dungeon features a group of influencers tied up and getting whipped and beaten by Ridley Scott. Post credits scene features the Duke of Wellington getting recruited by Sam Jackson’s Nick Fury to wage a war against film critics, film criticism, and critical thinking.

“Everyone loves a winner,” says Fury. “It’s time for you to join the team that never loses.”

Post-post-credits scene is a feature length alternate history thriller in which The Marvels doesn’t turbo-bomb at the box office.

However, the twist ending features Orson Welles eating the known universe.

“I thought it was one of my cherished gastropubs!” says Welles. “My bad.”

Soothing Philip Glass score plays us out over the credits.