Monday, June 3, 2024


Bigfoot, Loch Ness, Skunk Ape, Ogopogo, Mothman, Yeti, The Flatwoods Monster . . . we never quite catch up to ‘em, do we?

I bet you if we ever did catch ‘em and sliced ‘em open upon the autopsy table we would find in among the intestines and muscles mighty sparkling complexes of meat: organs of teleportation.   

And then we would know why we never catch up to these mystery critters.

Moreover, I’m sure these sparklemeats emit frequencies which no doubt interfere with the operations of both cameras and brains.

No wonder we never get a good look.

No wonder there’s never been a single photo or video or filmstrip-save hoaxes’n’fakes-worth a damn.

It’s all because of those sparklemeats!