Saturday, June 29, 2024


Mellow From The Heat Theme: Crumbling World (Extended Loop) by SNK Sound Team (Athena: Awakening From The Ordinary Life OST)

Welcome to the Heat Dome.

This is the Final Arena of Late Stage Capitalism.

It’s a battle to the death, yes, but the pace is laconic. Everything’s in slow motion. It’s hot as hell out-don’t want to strain yourself. Yes, there are some speed demons, sure. But they tend to burn out early and often.

Much of the action is about looking cool as you stride into combat. If you can master your poise, if you can maximize your hallucinatory cruise as you close in on Enemy . . . well, you might just be able to psych ‘em out. Watch ‘em keel over from the stroke, no need to even draw your blade. 

Be sure to invest points in Runway Arrogance. If you can survive long enough, Runway Arrogance evolves into Runway Hubris which will open the pathway to mastering the Runway Megalomania Omni-poise. And then no one will be able to oppose you.

But don’t go for the Hysterics. Sure, you might derive some fireballs from the Hysteria Path, but then your risk of Spontaneous Combustion spikes. But the stroke’ll more than likely cut you down first. Engage with Hysterics at your peril. But, you know, a chosen few can make it work for them. Just know the risks.

You’ve got to maintain cool-inside your mind.

It’s hot as hell out.

But you’re Antarcti-fuckin-ca within.

Believe in this and you’ll cruise’n’prevail.