Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Persistent Apocalyptic Vision Theme: Eternity by Ennio Morricone (John Carpenter’s The Thing OST)

This one’s pretty obvious in how it would work.

One bad thought cycling ‘til it clumps up with some other bad thoughts.

Soon enough, you have yourself a critical mass of vistas of the Bad Ending Reality piling up from the Foreground on out to the Deepest Background.

Day in.

Day out.

Comes the night.

Comes the morning.


Who’s that swallowing the sun? 

Haven’t seen them around before . . . hmmm . . . must be new . . . even though they feel so familiar . . . tentacles and cyclopean stare and slavering jaws and all . . .

And it is a little bit of a circus sound, too, don’t you think?

Sure it is.

Makes me think of the Behelit from Berserk, too . . .