Thursday, November 4, 2021

EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN #19: In the Grip of a Full-On Frankenstein Routine


. . . yep

it is done.

there it is

a proper allegorical body

via the schemes and schematics


dreamed up by a proper Frankennutter

in the depths of a full-on Frankenstein Routine 

gestures at self

it'll carry the weight of ten thousand theses

the outsized model whosits 

doomin' and loomin' 

of all our existential dilemmas of late

a magic eightball with 'tude'n'talkback 

plumb its virtual depths 

doom it to a billion misreadings by the learned, the ignorant, and the malicious 

come back with a stark vision of wandering in the ruins of a false prosperity 

maybe even provide the justification for a war or two


but I live in the vanity

of a bloodthirsty hope

which is the main thing

not to get dehydrated 


after that glory hit


it's got all of my really awesome shit

none of the boring

you look at me now


I ain't much

keep clipping out of the regulation construct

sure, I had to get cheaty

make of myself

my own source

go ahead

bury me with judgment 

did you actually write all those term papers yourself?

you never ONCE hired a mercenary to do some inconvenient thinking for you?


okay, then

I'm not NOT paying the price

am I?

I bear the full cost

of my own thinking,


no regrets

even if

you can barely see the what's-left-of-me 

just a residual of a survival of a remainder of a trace of a scrap of a stain of a crumb of a drop of a-

you get the idea.

what's left of me, anyways. 

-October-November 2021