Tuesday, November 16, 2021

EVERY DAY IS HALLOWEEN #20: The Insects of Obsession (AKA The Cinema of Cocaine Psychosis)

 . . . insectoid tightener-frighteners 

buggy fates

born of primal cokesnot 

piloting me into the Future

of Nostrils 

and the Nostrils' Hunger . . .

I can't stop doing backflips

-it's the actor doing backflips, of course, but as director this whole project is a cinema-body extension of myself, you see-

finish with walking through plate glass

ten thousand takes

must have the moment 

of sublime threshold 

body had to get through the glass 

just so

I'll live in the editing bay


just to get that body through the glass

at the right moment 


car chase forever

through the mall

it's actually kind of a musical

but I let the second unit do the song-and-dance shit

little buzzing

steers me to my passion 

for crashin' 

gotta get to the jungle beyond mall

never let me live my blockbuster self down

gotta get to the allegorical jungle of our national dark night of the soul

win the Vietnam War


fantasy shaped towards ends history denied us


it's bullshit forever 

but look how I shaped that frame


tell me the bullshit doesn't win this round


lumbering hulk of an overblown Method actor fuck emerging from shadows to desecrate holy text of script in an effort to get me to fire his ass 'cause he gets paid either way-the way of nested, interlocking heart attacks, or the way of revolver-in-my-fist-murder-my-way-into-live-ammunituon-cinema-history-


we had to rig up a concealed earpiece and an elaborate system of cuecards and intravenous biscuit gravy drips not to mention an automated full suction blowjob machine, but I finally extracted the necessary performance-

escape jungle

hustle ever onwards

clawing after dream of self-sufficiency 

and the hermetically sealed musical pleasure dome soundstage beyond the jungle

refurbished high school zeroed out of some flyover county's budget

directing from a jacuzzi via closed circuit camera feed, 

piles of lobster and stimulants and buckets of chilled wine and my own aquatic full suction blowjob vortex machine and M&Ms by the basket which go good with Cherry Coke Sundae Floats with sprinkles and roast chicken juice drizzles over tiramisu turtle soup augmented with onsite espresso machine service and two biscuit gravy IV drips one in each arm while I scream into a walkie-talkie for my assistant director to unfuck my lead actor's face for the close-up and defuck my lead actress's face for the close-up-this is supposed to be about uninflected purest young romance in its prime in the midst of an induced Vegas neon puke dream production design boondoggle of Napoleanic disproportions-but all shall be redeemed by first love if only I can get the coke bug tightener-frighteners to loosen up the faces of my leads therefore I scream for my assistant director to use his actual fucking hands to do a hamburger patty massage regimen on my cokeheaded thespians which they balk at-cold hands I guess-so I recommend biscuit gravy IV drips to counteract skeletal cocaine forces with hearty-attacky homecooked meatstalgias of the soul-a heart attack is just the spirit reminding us of how our meatselves can only endure so much joy before we must needs fly perma-free-but cynicism wins the day, biscuit gravy IV drips spurned, five-hundred eighteen takes I'll spend seventy-two days sorting in the edit-


from there 

to godhead forever

pile-up of forty thousand cop cars

-asshole critics and knuckle-dragging audiences rejected my vision of fakeshit actors finding purest First Love amidst Neon Soundstage Pukeopolis-

so I go back to my passion for crashin'

every gas tank shall ignite

burning people

flailing about


'til it gets good to them

'til they get the hang of being fire people 

now they throw fire at will




power all in this picture

I throw structure 

like no structure was ever thrown before 

in this picture 

when we crashed up that mall

in this picture 

there were just as many people jumping and cheering and gladly throwing themselves under the screeching tires as there were frightened folks diving for cover 

let me tell you

we had people stripping off

eager to join the circus

so to speak

cops and soldiers and holy men and special weapons and tactics guys and firemen and ninja and amphibious assault technicians and communists and capitalists and orthodontists-

stripping out of their uniforms 


and so our numbers grew


my skin seizes up

my teeth so gnashed

it's pulling my hide tight

that's where the bugs come in

you know

gotta get bugs all over

to chew my skin loose

you know

people say it's an insectoid delusion

but they don't know

you know

how tight my teeth clamp down

how tight my jaws chew back my skin down into my throat

so what I want people to know

is that the bugs aren't Enemy

bugs help chew me loose


bugs are my friends 


you know 

which is why I need 'em to pull my skin tight sometimes in order to deflect bullets fired by assassins in the employ of studio executives, 

or the bullets fired by that MIB/Mothman deathsquad hired on by a certain bloated Method Actor fuck who still thinks I owe him a narcissistic pass on the edit-

that's why I insist

upon roofs and ceilings

with anti-ESP shielding

so the antennae of Mothman cannot clock me from the air,

bunker down deep


which is why I can't stop commanding backflips of my actors forever 

journeys through plate glass together forever 

better than any mirror forever 

even if I take heavy casualties 

among my cokebug frightener-tighteners forever

they knew what they were signing up for when they chose existence from the primal slime of cokesnot inside my perma-grimace stressed director's fuckfaced persona forever 

. . . the buggy fates do the tighten-up all over my body to remind me who's in charge forever . . .

live helicopter decapitations forever

you balk and condemn forever

but I'll never catch more civilian bodies than Uncle Sam forever

yet I'm still better than your garden variety jag-off serial killer forever 

my glory self burns bright forever 

fuck Oscar forever

I blow my nose into the clouds 

seeding glory forever

rain of statues forever 

I'm on the heart attack workout forever 

serve the vision of primal cokesnot 


. . . I hustle 

til I'm nothing but Nostrils 

and the Nostrils' Hunger

Forever . . .

-July 2003-November 2021