Sunday, November 14, 2021

No matter how fervently I pray to Christ the Jesus . . .

 . . . there is still no Rifftrax for The End of Evangelion. 

I am filled with despair and doubt.

Not even Taco Bell Fourth Meal elevates me. 

Starts exercising and getting a good night's sleep all the time.

Holy shit!

Arbitrary structure and empty routines volumetrically displace bad thinks and uncomfortable feels!

I welcome myself to the New Vacuity with open arms and whole grain brickbreaker farts!

I focus now on Money and Power and Aggression!

Do you see the contents of this trash can?

Behold: Introspection,  Doubt, and Idiosyncrasy!

In the name of self-love, farewell to anime!

Looks in the mirror at Perfected Self of Muscles and Avarice. 


All nations fall before William. All peoples worship him as their New God. William mints his own Taco Bell Black Card with unlimited credit.

I am now perfect, and I have everything!

And everyone applauds his ass enthusiastically. 

Everyone is making the correct decisions!