Thursday, November 11, 2021

Like . . .

 . . . the millenium was a big pile of suck.

It wasn't even the millenium depending on how you measure it, right?

I didn't even, uh, I didn't even burst loose from my routine meats to, uh, you know, manifest a tentacular devil form complete with, like, those eyestalks? Shootin' the death beams and such?

No . . . milllenium came . . . and I was the same old asshole . . . clothed in the same old meats . . . same doofus expression on my face . . .

You'd think . . . you'd think you would at least . . . at bare minimum, I'm just asking for the barest, uh, of minimums here . . . that my face could've at least sparked, smoked, bubbled, and just go into a blister-bursting bit. And then, from beneath the melty flesh . . . a new face, like, a new face of cosmic terror could just, you know, surface. From up outta that melty face bit-but no.

Not even that.

Universe is like, "Fuck you. Millenium is all hype. And you get jack shit. So fuck off back to your spare, miserable room."

And then I got that, ah, I just got that fucking with me. 

Like I'm a sucker.

For getting caught in the undertow of hype.

It's enough . . . it's enough to make me wish I was True Crackpot.


And then . . . I dunno . . . I could say . . . I could say that the millenium was a fake millenium and that the real one's still on the way . . . 

But I'm not that far gone.

Which sucks.

Sucks hard in the way that reality, like, there's this . . . kinda . . . maximum suck power . . . that only reality can muster. 

No suck like the reality suck. 

Long pause. 

Say . . . do you know . . . cause I've been seeing a lot of stuff online about it . . . but you know how they say . . . that exercise is good for you? It can improve your whole, I dunno, like your whole outlook and attitude and all of that?

Do you think . . . if I exercised super fuckin' intensely . . . that that could get me to the melty face with the cosmic devil face welling up out of the boiling meats ocean bit?

Like is that what that hot yoga shit is?

You don't know.


Ah, you know, it's something I can start looking into in any case . . .

Never looks into it.