Monday, August 5, 2024


. . . here comes the Heat Dome. The Final Arena of Terminal Capitalism. Shroomp!!! It clamps down over the Human Future. Take it in. There’s no outside to it. We’re all Insiders, now. Sure, sure, it isn’t evenly distributed, not just yet. Give it time. Let it work. Go ahead and yell at it. Pray to non-existent deities. Go shopping. Eat at a nice sit-down restaurant. Go watch a blockbuster special effects film. Emerge from the 4-D air conditioning efx into the shimmering asphalt expanse. Remember when you walked ten Summer miles to watch Transformers: Age of Extinction to dodge the stroke of yesteryear? Yell at the Dome from the inside some more. Get sad that it doesn’t acknowledge you. Blame yourself. Seek the Dome’s approval. Show up for work. Tell your co-workers that the Dome’s got a plan, a real vision, for the nation, for the planet, for you, for me, for all of us! Grow disillusioned when the Dome continues to ignore you. Start talking shit behind the Dome’s back. Do extensive online research about how you can create your Own Dome . . . Neo-Dome. Rally your friends and family and neighbors. Secretly distribute Neo-Dome propaganda pamphlets in your places of Work and Worship. Start a chatty, freeform podgrift. Get on-air-ad-read sponsorships from online sports books and food bucket survivalism retailers and unregulated boner pill manufacturers and home security system installers and anal probe resistant underwear weavers-lotta fear in the UFO community these days-get fuckin’ paid. Write a self-teaching guide to spontaneous human combustion. Try not to get totally buried by those dump trucks full of Cash American. Show that elitist Dome the strength of People Power-the Might’n’Right of Neo-Dome . . .