Monday, August 12, 2024


. . . Anti-Vaxxers takin’ it to the next level by shooting themselves up with high velocity munitions. That COVID doesn’t stand a chance once all that body mass gets exploded all over the place. Also, if you’re dead from extreme gun violence you’re no longer at risk of Long COVID, are you? Sure, sure, some are fretting as they perceive a baby surrounded by sudsy water flying through the air-but this is all part of that new legislation which dictates that Guns Must Be Conserved, no matter what. Guns are the new majority population, doncha’ know? And a majority has needs. Not needs for vaccines and human bodies with all their meats’n’juices intact and longer lifespans-none of that. Guns must have autonomy to fire as they please. We meatbags are but the vessels whereby Guns are instantiated. We’re all components of Gun Wombs, now. Gunshots are the new nutbusts. Death and destruction are signs of pregnancy. Delivery occurs at the arms factory. It’s a cycle of New Life-way better than the Old Life could ever have been. Guns’ll improve us over time, breed the brains right out of us, ‘til we’re all just docile targets for the hottest shots. Point blank 24/7 by that point. Every last man/woman/child with a gun in both their hands aimed at whoever’s aiming back at them from their left and their right. No more of that weak holding hands shit. Guns speak and nut off and kill and are reborn rat-a-tat-tat. Don’t call it a culture of death. That’s against the law. Like books. And libraries. And schools. Call it the New Life like I already said. Say it enough times, you’ll even start to, y’know, maybe not believe it, exactly, you won’t have enough freedom of thought to pull that off-but, uh, y’know, you’ll get into the habit. The habit offers us a form, a structure, a, uh, uh, a framework, you see, for the New Understanding. This we can call the New Forms of Formality as written down in the Book of Bang and the Gospel of Rat-A-Tat-Tat-books you don’t even have to read! Convenient. Because they were never written down! Efficient. Because they’re books that dwell in the soul of every Gun! Plausible. And here we all are! United. One big daisy chain of homicide. I mean, ah, uh, y’know, one big Chain of New Life! Yeah. Sure. Say it enough times. Endure it enough times. It’ll get normal soon enough . . .