Saturday, August 10, 2024


Theme of Being Surprised by the New Opening Sequence: Something Good ‘08 by Utah Saints with Van She Tech

You checked out of the last season early. Wasn’t really doin’ it for you. Time has passed. You wonder if it’s even still going. It is. You torrent the most recent season . . . and like holy shit-that opening sequence! With the dancing mechs! The interlocking explosions! The heads and faces flying and merging and recombining like what the fuck! Now it’s first person cameramind zooming through shadowy halls of some abandoned corporate campus ‘til you stalk up behind one of the Blame Beasts who glares at you just so from over a disconcertingly meaty shoulder-

-but, after a few episodes, you drop it all over again.

Why can’t the whole series be as exciting and dynamic as that opening?

You feel the same way about the 007 pictures-just do the whole movie in the surrealistic style of the opening credits.

No, you can’t have that.

Fun must be rationed.

Alas . . .