Incongruously Upbeat Music That Plays Inside The Dystopian Nightclub: Kiss the Future by The Human League.
This is that incongruously upbeat music that plays inside the dystopian nightclub.
Sure, there’s no more government. In fact, it’s all dystopian nightclub, now, the entire, you know, reality. Which is impressive, right? And maybe, erm, a little oppressive, too.
Look, it’s every Free Agent for themselves. Each person is now a Nation of One-essentially, a heavily cyborged two-legged mobile weapons platform. Picture a flesh’n’blood Gundam rocking a throwback New Romantic decadent look. It’s intense. When it all sparks off it’s hard to conceive of anything left standing, or anyone surviving-which is also pretty retro, isn’t it? Mutually Assured Destruction as extension of personal fashion sense.
Could be worse . . .outside the worldaround nightclub it’s probably nonstop Climate Inferno . . . so, it’s down to a choice of hells, isn’t it? That’s kinda cool, right?
No reason to stop partying!
Not now.