I wasn't happy with my streaming video service. They were producing lots of bullshit featuring loser hack comedy types more known for their lazy dipshit steroid poisoned podgrift content rather than actual jokecraft. I was seething with extreme rage. And then a light activated inside my own brain. Instead of canceling my subscription, I decided to reverse the polarity. I sent the streaming service a crushingly huge bill to compensate me for my wasted time. And when they refused to pay, I sent guys with baseball bats to bust up their servers. Now, I get so much money I am indistinguishable from cash. I'm like a meats'n'juices'n'cash being these days.
Life is short.
Get fuckin' paid.
BONUS FUN: If you ever find yourself having to explain to some jerkoff conspiracy theorist why all the stupid nonsense they believe is fake, go ahead and send them a bill for "Additional Education Services Rendered." Life is short. Value your time at the highest price.