Saturday, October 5, 2024


Don’t go to the play rehearsal.

Stay home.

Play Super Nintendo.

You don’t even need hardware.

Just download emulation software, image files, you can probably get it all working on your phone nowadays. 

Hell, even the rotary phones’ll probably be powerful enough here in 2024.

The alternative, obviously, is that you go to the rehearsal . . . and the whole time you just wish you were at home playing Super Nintendo.

It’s how that usually goes.

Just cut out the nonsense.

Stay home.

Play Super Nintendo.

You know . . . at some point . . . like . . . you’ll go out for some Wendy’s or Taco Bell or whatever.

That should be fine.

And then you're back home.

Playing Terranigma or Demon’s Crest or Ogre Battle or whatever.

Life should be about having fun.