Sunday, October 13, 2024


Theme of Finding Serenity Within Your Heart’s Dearest Dream of Avarice: Telescope by Pino Donaggio (Body Double OST)

Perhaps you’re an ace bouncer who’s been hired to clean up an out-of-control roadhouse.

You cruise the scene, noting how the bartender is dealing prescription painkillers on the sly; the corrupt security staff all have burglary and legbreaker debt collection side hustles; and the dance floor is little more than a meth-fuelled group grope on a good night.

But now you have seen what’s what.

Now you can bring forth the vision inside your heart:

There will be collared t-shirts with people’s names printed clearly over their hearts-otherwise, how will my people know themselves at depth?

There will be protracted martial arts battles as I take out the trash by kicking maximum ass all over the place.

There will be a handbook of employee conduct-truly, it shall be like unto a New Gospel.

There will be a love scene appropriate for an R-rated feature film between myself and someone who is certainly attractive but not in a way that makes me look less sexy than them so as to reinforce my Protagonist Status within this schema. 

And, of course, there shall be an end to meth-fuelled group gropes; and in their place shall be trendy line dances led by photogenic online influencers. 

I shall deliver this dream like a hard-boiled Santa Claus.

There must be order.

There shall be order.

But maybe you’re one of these phantom shitters.

One of these guys who lurks in the shadows within large naval vessels or complex institutions with lots of real estate.

You wear the de rigeur mask of respectability by day, all the while secretly scoping out your targets, assessing them for maximum theatricality.

And by night you sneak about, depositing your gifts in high traffic areas like the Worst Santa Claus of All Times.

You work from your gut.

There must be chaos.

There shall be chaos.

It could also be the case that you are a wealthy Libertarian fruitcake watching the big Thanksgiving parade on your wall-mounted array of wafer thin screens inside your bunker.

Your discreet drones give you many feeds, and you’ve been watching this particular parade for years.

A wonderful dream coalesces deep inside your heart:

There shall be explosions.

My robot bombs shall bring these gifts.

Like a vengeful Santa.

There shall be death and ruin.

It shall be Full Smoking Crater Protocol.

Big Gubmint shall have no dominion over my cute ass.

A fraudulent manifesto shall be published to bamboozle the authorities.

This crime shall go unsolved.

This crime shall change the politics and the culture and the economy and the everything for generations.

Conspiracies, misinformation, harsh laws, enhancements to the pre-existing police state, perhaps another one of those War on Terror type of deals to look productive or whatever.

And in the end, I will see an uptick in sales and installations of my branded range of home security systems in gated communities and so forth.

There shall be chaos, and then there shall be an orderly enhancement of my bank account as per my heart’s dream.

But the dream-whether it be of Order or Chaos or Both-needs intel, needs data, needs you to pay close attention.

And whether you work your way into a scheme intuitively or begin with the scheme and have that shape your observations over time or you’re just kinda fuckin’ nuts you still must scope out the terrain-local, global, cosmic-in all its particulars to ensure optimal execution.

You may even find that it’s the planning phase that satisfies you most as you are led around by your very heartstrings, ever tantalized by a vision of total completion.

It sounds like arduous, obsessive work, but there is often the sweetest serenity to be found in such an ordeal.

Even if the ultimate consummation leaves you emptied out-as, frankly, these things tend to do-the serenity phase shall return to you all throughout the rest of your life at the oddest moments in dreams and reveries, I promise you.

This is a Spirituality of Extreme Work Ethic that serves not a deity, but rather the dearest dream of avarice inside your own heart.