Sunday, July 23, 2023



Did you know that David Letterman is still making content? 

He's got a YouTube, there was some podgrift interview recently . . . basically,I'll cut to the chase here, I just want him to bring back the Buttafuocco jokes.

Also, and this is an even dimmer, more distant memory . . . but I'm almost certain that Letterman did some Fahrvergnugen jokes back in the day. I'm basically positive on this. It was a Top Ten List thing, I'm almost certain.

And, if he decides to go contemporary, he can throw Barbenheimer into the mix. 

"-and at Number Six . . . Buttafuocco Barbenheimer Fahrvergnugen."

Ah, yes, those dulcet tones.

Maybe we can even finally figure out which one's Oprah, and which one's Uma.

'Tis a mystery, isn't it?

Well, sometimes you have to wander into the wastelands of the past to solve these mysteries.

Nothing else will get it.